Thursday, May 10, 2012

On my list.

This day will go down as one of the best days of my life. We found out that we are having a little lady!!

So here's the deal with the baby's gender. They say that a mothers intuition is right 75% of the time... Not mine! I was so certain that we were going to have a boy. I had actually had a few dreams about this boy of mine (I still believe that this boy I dreamed about will be in my life one day). I started thinking about being a mother to a little boy, which actually kind of frightened me, but I started getting so excited about things like him following his dad around and just cuddling up with my little man. I pictured life with him as our only child at first and I started to have expectations.

I hope I don't sound disappointed, because I'm definitely not! The ultra-sound technician said, "See those three light spots? (um yeah! Three spots to me = boy, Right?) When we see that, we know it's a girl." WHAT!? I was shocked, then I started to tear up. Luckily Kinzer and the technician were having a nice long conversation about school so no one was paying attention to my ugly holding-back-big-time-tears face. We are thrilled! So thrilled. We would have been so happy either way. On the way home we started talking about our little girl and what she will be like. We hope that:
she will be a good example to her little brothers and sisters
she will be caring and take good care of her siblings
she will be a RED HEAD:)
she will take care of us when we get old and non-mobile (we actually talked about this, haha)
she will be a nice teenage girl
she will be healthy and happy
she will succeed and excel at everything she does
And many other things...

We love her very much. I don't know what else to say other than we can't wait to meet her. I actually feel pregnant now. Today for me was such a big day and quite emotional because of the connection I made with her. She is mine. My little lady!
She was nice enough to put her hand up to her mouth while we were watching the ultrasound. Might have a thumb sucker.


  1. I love the pic!!! I'm so excited for you guys. That's all I can say. :) I just want to give you a big hug.

  2. Hannah that is so exciting! Now the hardest part, what are you going to name her!?

  3. Congratulations! I knew it was a girl...I think the barfing all the time gave it away!

  4. Buddy it's Emily I.m so happy you have a blog and I'm soooo happy your gonna have a girl baby! You can add me to your silly nasty cry moment becaused I had that nasty frog in your throat tears coming out when I read this I'm so happy for you guys! I hope you call me again when you come to Utah so we can do another village in run! Love ya buddy can't wait to see this sweet baby of yours!
